How Long Does Instagram Verification Take?

By The Superviral Team, May 2nd 2024
1 minute read

When considering how to boost engagement and gain more followers on Instagram, you may find information about getting verified. A social media verification badge confirms that the account is authentic, helping build trust in followers. Influencers, celebrities, businesses, and brands can all benefit from Instagram verification. 

As you consider this option, you may wonder, how long does Instagram verification take? Learn more about the process and what to expect with this guide. 

Why Get Verified on Instagram 


Instagram verification puts a fancy little check mark next to your account name and comes with a variety of benefits. Most importantly, the verification status proves your identity to potential followers, building brand trust and recognition because people know you are who you say you are. If you are verified, impersonating your brand or persona becomes more challenging, which also increases trust in your account. 

Verified accounts also receive benefits from Instagram itself. Instagram offers priority customer service to verified accounts, making it easier to get help if you have any trouble with the platform. For instance, in a hacking situation, a verified user will typically have an easier time regaining control over their account with the help of priority customer service. 

Instagram offers exclusive features to verified accounts, including the first rollout of certain new features. For example, the ability to insert links into stories was initially exclusive to verified accounts or accounts over a certain follower threshold. Also, direct messages sent from verified accounts are of higher priority in the inboxes of other verified users. 

These exclusive features make it easier for verified accounts to manage their brands on Instagram, allowing you to thrive and grow more efficiently. 

Understanding Instagram's Verification Process


To get verified on Instagram, you must fill out an application. This form is available by selecting “business tools and controls” or “creator tools and controls” in your settings (depending on whether you set it up as a business or an individual account). 

Instagram considers four factors when reviewing accounts:

The Verification Waiting Period


Verification isn’t instantaneous—it takes time to review and approve requests. Once your application is complete, you will receive a notification about the results within 30 days. Many users receive their answer within a week, though a longer response time doesn’t necessarily indicate a rejection. 

These notifications will appear in your regular Instagram notification feed, which you can view by clicking the heart icon on the platform. On mobile apps, this is located in the upper right corner. On desktop web browsers, it is located on the left-hand side. You can check your notifications periodically throughout the waiting period to determine whether the application has gone through processing.

You should not reapply during this waiting period. Instagram will automatically deny verification requests if the same account submits multiple applications during the 30-day window. If you get a rejection, you can apply again after 30 days. 

How Do I Speed Up My Instagram Verification?


Unfortunately, there is no magic way to speed up the verification process. The best way to get verified quickly is to gain approval the first time you apply, thus avoiding waiting for the 30-day application window to pass. 

Tips to Improve Your Chances


Before you apply, make sure you meet all the criteria for a verified account. Ensure you are the single, authentic source for your name or brand on the platform, and review the completeness of your profile. This effort helps to avoid a rejection over something simple, like a missing bio or a duplicate account.

Consider how you can increase your notability. As you pursue verification, you may schedule additional interviews, reach out to press contacts, or look for collaboration opportunities. Even if you rarely engage with news sources, it may be worth stepping outside your normal parameters to prove your notability to Instagram.

Make sure your account remains active before and during the verification process. Instagram prioritizes active accounts in verification since activity indicates an account's completeness and relevance. Increasing followers and interaction and adding regular grid posts, stories, and reels help demonstrate that your account is active.

Grow Your Instagram Account With Superviral


Now that you know how long Instagram verification takes, you can make the most of your account. Grow your reach and your potential for verification with Superviral. We can help you gain followers, likes, views, and comments, improving your verification odds. Check out our plan options and how we can support you in your social media goals.